The tailor masters
Over 50 years of experience
7 Branches stretch from North to South:
Hanoi, Da Nang, Hoi An and Ho Chi Minh City
Founded in 1965 in HCMC, VIETNAM
Without discussing timeliness, veston is seen as the breath of time and tailor-made clothing that gives their owners an outstanding appearance of class. Born in 1965 - with more than 50 years of experience in the manual tailoring industry, Nhut Tailor is proud to be a garment manufacturer with a quintessence of distillation from ancient times combined with modern trends to create products. Not only suitable for each shape of each customer, besides it also brings elegance and sophistication but still adheres to the strict principle of Bespoke.
Coming to Nhut Tailor not only to experience the professional tailoring service but Nhut is also a place for customers to pamper themselves after the carefully cut suits by the hands of skilled artists in Saigon .
Meticulous &

Each suit produced by Nhut Tailor possesses not only the beauty, trendy but also the meticulousness on each needle thread. In order to create such a magnificent outfit that helps enhance an individual value, time; effort and sweat of a tailor have to be spent a lot.

So, it can be inferred that besides the act of choosing materials, cutting fabrics or drawing chalk lines, there is also the existence of quintessence withdrawn from long-term experience and job passion.

Homey &
With the motto of serving with all the sincere heart, Nhut Tailor’s staff are willing to hand a finished suit out to the customers which utterly meets their expectations in terms of suit’s beauty, its quality as well as the professional serving skill. In reference to the aforementioned professionalism, after-sales service including lifetime warranty for suits can be deemed as a gift for customers from Nhut Tailor. Last but not least, in order to prepare for the birth of the most unique suit which represents the coincidence between an entity's characteristics and purposes, there will be a request for a consulting appointment that offers customers’ ability to select the most appropriate design and customize products' details before receiving the finished suits of their own.
For more information, please contact:
Tel/Whatsapp: (+84) 857882595
Opening: Monday - Sunday: 08:00 am - 07:00 pm
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